*Community Project* Loading & Sorting Donated Toys
December 8th » 12:30pm - 3:30pm » The Salvation Army
Come volunteer with us for GoUnite's December Community Project.
The Salvation Army and the motorcycle group, Roaddogs, partner every year to collect toys for kids in need for Christmas. Last year, more than 600 motorcyclists, many wearing Santa hats and riding tinsel-wrapped Harleys, rode through Billings, delivering enough toys for 700 families!
All of these toys are stacked in the middle of Rimrock Mall and need to be loaded into The Salvation Army trucks and taken down to their warehouse. We are looking for volunteers to help load toys and also to help sort the toys by type/age so they can easily be distributed to kids in need.
We will be meeting at Rimrock Mall by the big Christmas Tree in the middle of the mall at 12:30, help load toys then head down to The Salvation Army's warehouse (10 South 30th St) to help sort and organize these toys. Anyone is welcome to come volunteer with us, and kids of any age welcome to come help too.
All volunteer spots are full for this project! Thank you Billings for your overwhelming support of this event!
Sign up for an all-inclusive GoUnite Membership (to enjoy all the sweet perks), or purchase individual event tickets.
We do all the planning for you! Simply mark your calendar with event days and show up.
Have kids? Bring them to Big Sky Imaginarium for an activity-packed play date where they enjoy fun crafts, games, and a home-cooked dinner.
We combine dinner at a great restaurant, creative and outdoor adventures, concerts, sporting events, game nights and seasonal activities for a foolproof good time. The possibilities are limitless.
Show Up. Have Fun! Repeat!